Youth Ministry
High School and College Students
Special Youth Events
Special events are planned for youth throughout the year. The 2nd Pre-Gathering Bible Study will be held on February 23, 2025, at Trinity Badger Ranch (2 Ritchie Rd., Woodway, TX 76712), from 12:00 to 2:00 p.m. Students may carpool to the church at their own planning. Food and beverages will be provided. It is expected that ALL those planning to attend the NYG in New Orleans this summer attend these Pre-Gathering Bible study events. If you have any questions about this event, please see Director of Youth & Family Ministry, Josh McNamara,or email him at: [email protected]. Held every 3 years since 1980, the LCMS Youth Gathering provides thousands of youth and adults the opportunity to come together as a community of God’s people to be encouraged in their walk with Jesus Christ and learn about the Christian faith and their Lutheran identity. The Gathering is more than the five days of the event. You can learn more online at |
All youth, grades 5-12 are invited to join us for this afternoon adventure. The group will gather for lunch at Torchy’s Tacos (801 S. 5th St.), please bring funding for your meal). We will then carpool to the Waco Escape Rooms (711 Washington Ave.). If you choose to eat elsewhere, meet us at the Escape Room at 2:00 p.m. If you missed the registration deadline, please contact DCE Josh.
Important Dates/Upcoming Youth Events:.
- ALL HANDS ON DECK SUNDAY SCHOOL EVENT, FEBRUARY 9: All Children’s Sunday School grades will meet in the Parish Hall for a fun event! Join us for: A fun opening activity, A themed Bible lesson, A snack, Giving back to our Veterans, Care-bag filling, Card making. If you have any questions, please see Angel Breton or Josh McNamara.
- MISSION: ESCAPE YOUTH EVENT, FEBRUARY 16: All youth, grades 5-12 are invited to join us for this afternoon adventure. The group will gather for lunch at Torchy’s Tacos (801 S. 5th St.), please bring funding for your meal). We will then carpool to the Waco Escape Rooms (711 Washington Ave.). If you choose to eat elsewhere, meet us at the Escape Room at 2:00 p.m. If you missed the registration deadline, please contact Josh McNamara.
- NYG PRE-GATHERING MEETING, FEBRUARY 23 (12pm-2pm): Students may carpool there if desired, but that is up to them to set that up. Food and beverages will be provided for our time there. It is expected that all of our youth who are planning to go with us to New Orleans for the upcoming National Youth Gathering be in attendance for this Pre- Gathering Bible study event.
- CAMP LONESTAR REGISTRATION IS OPEN! Anyone planning to attend camp this summer is encouraged to register as soon as possible as dates fill up very quickly! Summer camp sessions are for youth ages 8-18. Please contact D.C.E., Josh McNamara (254.799.3211) or Youth Ministry Chair, Hannah Galler (254.723.7077) for registration information and details. Please note, a special code created exclusively for St. Paul will be needed before you register online.
- VBS, JUNE 8-11: Mark your calendars and watch for volunteer opportunities coming soon!

Any questions can be directed to DCE Josh McNamara in the church office (254.799.3211) or by email: [email protected].
- Feb. 9 - All Hands on Deck Sunday School Event
- Feb.15 - Mission: Escape Youth Event
- Feb. 23, 2025 - NYG Pre-Gathering Bible Study Event (Trinity, Woodway)
- June 8-11, 2025 - Vacation Bible School
- July 19-25, 2025 - LCMS National Youth Gathering, New Orleans, Louisiana
Any questions can be directed to DCE Josh McNamara in the church office (254.799.3211) or by email: [email protected].