College Ministry
- This group has resumed their weekly Bible study on Monday evenings in Rogers Hall, room 207, on Baylor campus. There is a meal at 5:30 p.m. with Bible study beginning at 6:00 p.m.
- All college-age students are welcome to join us for Sunday Bible Class (breakfast is usually served) at 9:15 a.m. in the Youth Room at church.
St. Paul Lutheran Church is the primary sponsor of The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod Student Group on the Baylor campus named, "Lutherans Doing Life Together (LDLT)." This group meets regularly for Bible study on campus and gathers for other social and service events, as well. Students from other college campuses are welcome to attend these activities. Regularly scheduled activities are, as follows:
Locations for these activities are determined and posted as these become available. Click here to sign up and get connected>> |
LDLT Contact |
The president of the Baylor student group, Lutherans Doing Life Together, for the academic year 2024-2025 is
Travis Elmore. He can be reached by email at: [email protected]. Please feel free to contact him for more information on how to connect to the LDLT group. |
Need a ride? |
If you need a ride to church, email Pastor Hesse at [email protected]... or call the church office (254.799.3211) to get connected with Karen Shelton.
Baylor Lariat article about Lutherans Doing Life Together Student Group:
Lutherans Doing Life Together strives to build relationships, provide safe spaces | The Baylor Lariat