UPCOMING EVENTSFAITH MILESTONE SUNDAY: On Sunday, December 8, 2024 we will launch our new Faith Milestone program at St. Paul as we issue a Faith Milestone to your infant-Pre-K aged child during both worship services.
CHILDREN'S CHRISTMAS EVE PROGRAM: Please mark your calendars for the rehearsal dates: (If you have any questions about rehearsals, please contact Steve Randolph or Stephanie Boesche).
YOUTH CHRISTMAS PARTY/LOCKIN, DECEMBER 20-21: Complete details and registration link can be found on the Youth Page. SOUND VOLUNTEERS NEEDED FOR WORSHIP: Do you have an interest in learning about the management of the sound system for worship? We are REALLY needing volunteers that may be able help with the 11:00 a.m. Advent worship services. If you feel that this is a task you could really enjoy and serve the St. Paul family, please see Jeremy Lange or one of the Elders. We would love to have several volunteers so that this would not interfere with worship and Bible study. If you have any questions, please call the church office. |
Weekly Calendar of Events
Outside Pastor Hesse’s office you will find a box to place any questions that you would like Pastor Hesse to answer during the Adult Bible Study class on Sunday mornings. Please use the paper at the box to write out your question and place it in the box. These may be anonymous, or you may include your name if you prefer.