News & Events
Upcoming EventsSEMI-ANNUAL CONGREGATION MEETING: All members are encouraged to join us in the Albers Family Life Center on Sunday, October 20, 2024, at 9:15 a.m. for the Semi-Annual Congregational Meeting. At this meeting, each board chair will share a short update on activities and plans. If you have any questions, please contact Congregational President, Bill Dube.
STROKE SCAN AT ST. PAUL: St. Paul will host a Vascular Ultrasound Screening Event on Tuesday, October 22, 2024, from 1:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. in the Albers Family Life Center. Stroke Scan will be available in the church foyer on Sunday, October 13, to answer questions and schedule appointments. You may also call 1.832.437.7355 to schedule an appointment for you or a loved one. If you have questions, please see Deaconess Krahn. MEN'S CLUB BLOOD DRIVE, SUNDAY, OCTOBER 20, 2024: Sign-up for your preferred time in the church foyer; or you can schedule online at Carter Blood Care will set up the Blood Drive Bus in the parking lot. Questions can be directed to David Wolfe or Don Savage. TRUNK OR TREAT/FALL FESTIVAL: Join us for an evening of family fun on Sunday, October 27, 2024, from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. A Volunteer Opportunities sign-up sheet is available in the church foyer. We will need LOTS of volunteers to make this community event fun for all ages! If you are interested in participating in Trunk-or-Treat but need help with decorations, please see Josh McNamara! THRIVENT ACTION TEAMS: The Children's Ministry is requesting Thrivent members to consider utilizing their Thrivent Action Team options to assist with expenses of the annual Fall Festival (Oct. 27, 2024) and the annual Family Ornament Sunday (Nov. 17, 2024). These funds help extend the budget expenses so that we can make these events extra special! If anyone may be interested in utilizing your Thrivent Action dollars, please contact Josh McNamara or Angel Breton. If you need help with starting an action team or have questions on this process, please contact Brandon Kubitza. |
Weekly Calendar of Events
Outside Pastor Hesse’s office you will find a box to place any questions that you would like Pastor Hesse to answer during the Adult Bible Study class on Sunday mornings. Please use the paper at the box to write out your question and place it in the box. These may be anonymous, or you may include your name if you prefer.